Eco-Mix – Shallow Tillage

The (living) soil is the base for our food production and an important ally in the fight against climate change. The latter is because the soil stores carbon and regulates (rain)water. But pollution, urbanization, erosion, and soil degradation threaten the quality of the soil. The use of plant protection products can also have an adverse effect on our water system. We are increasingly confronted with extreme weather conditions. For example, with heavy rainfall, there is an increased risk of leaching. Preventing leaching is only possible due to the presence of sufficient organic matter in the soil and the maintenance of soil life. Practice also shows that soil compaction is a problem.


The (living) soil is the base for our foodproduction and an important ally in the fight against climate change. The latter because the soil stores carbon and regulates (rain)water. But pollution, urbanization, erosion and soil degradation threaten the quality of the soil. The use of plant protection products can also have an adverse effect on our water system. We are increasingly confronted with extreme weather conditions. For example, with heavy rainfall there is an increased risk of leaching. Preventing leaching is only possible due to the presence of sufficient organic matter in the soil and the maintenance of soil life. Practice also shows that soil compaction is a problem.

Soil compaction occurs due to high axle loads on the agricultural parcels, sometimes under wet conditions. The result of soil compaction is that the crops cannot properly root and by this fact, the water balance in the soil is also disturbed (drainage and capillary effect destroyed due to compaction).

The Eco-Mix spading combination is the perfect machine to tackle these problems.

Concept Of The Machine

The machine is constructed in such a way that it tackles all the above problems in one pass ( provides even the option to sow directly) and thus avoiding the need to drive over the field after tillage. The Eco-Mix therefore also saves time.

How Does This Work?

The optional Culter 3.0 subsoiler ensures that the deeper soil compaction is eliminated. This machine consists of 4 to 6 teeth that can work to a depth of 60 cm.

Thanks to the narrow tooth with a 6 cm wide tip, the soil compaction can be eliminated with minimum fuel consumption and no mixing of the soil yet.

The Eco-Mix rotating spading machine can be attached to the Culter 3.0. The Eco-Mix has a low speed on the spading shaft, so that coarse chunks of soil are mixed. No smearing occurs due to the unique shape and position of the spading blades. Imants has developed a special shaft with spades to keep the organic matter at the top. The spading blades always take a +- 25cm big shovel from the ground. The ideal working depth of the spading machine is between 10 and 12 cm. A major advantage of an Eco-Mix is ​​that a green fertilizer is not a problem; The spade shaft ensures that crop residues and/or green manure, compost etc. are nicely mixed over the entire working depth.

Because of this nicely mixed cultivation soil after the use of the Eco-Mix spading machine, the green fertilizer and crop residues will be well digested and converted into organic matter where it is most necessary and the good soil life will remain intact.

A driven harrow has been added behind the spadeshaft. A non-driven crumbler roller can be chosen such as a rake roller, ring roller, …. All this depends on the type of soil to be worked and the crop to be sown. Where a driven rake roller is perfectly suited for a cleaner and finer seedbed that is needed for finely seeded crops, a ring roller will be better suited for a rougher and coarser seedbed.


By combining work runs, fuel, man-hours and even tractors can be saved. The design of the Eco-Mix spading machine takes into account the possibilities for attaching other machines, which makes the Eco-Mix extra versatile in use. The flat design offers multiple options for a three-point linkage or a fixed structure for a seed drill. This allows the main soil tillage to be combined with a seed bed and to sow directly. So a true one-pass tillage machine.

Experience taught us and our customers that the mere combination of different work steps ensures a higher yield.

The Eco-Mix spading machine can also deliver perfect work in combination with a front flail mower or cutting roller. Corn straw, green manure or stubble are then reduced even better. The spading machine can mix it in well and in combination with the seed drill of your choice, everything is immediately ready and soil compaction is prevented and eliminated.

Watch it in action

Get a real sense of this machines capabilities in the environment it was built for, please take a moment to watch it in action. There are many more videos available of all our exclusive products on the Campey YouTube channel.

If you have any questions or require more information
simply call 01260 224568 or email us